
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
WTBI Episode 83: The Various Shaped Pots and Pans are Stored within the Appliance
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Greetings Generous Listeners! This week the gang discusses the Omegatron Variant - you've probably heard about it in covid news. Mark comes up with the idea for Hat Bones - I'll just let you guess on that one. Oh also Hot Bones. You'll figure it out. Jarrett proposes keeping you warm and in style with Blood Jacket, and we decide to switch our podcast into the Real Crime Podcast genre, where we think the real money is. Finally we bring it home with the wholesome family friendly 3D Printing Cake Decorator (Lay it on with a trowel).

Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
WTBI Episode 82: Give Thanks to Comcast
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Welcome listener, to the church of Comcast. Today our podcast (brought to you by Comcast) discusses the following: John and Kelsey hired a baby sitter just to bring some more funny into your life! In this week's episode Kelsey proposes a solution for tangled tassels (tassels are those things you put on your nipples). Mark proposes Flavored Bandaids, bandaids that taste better! John tells us about his new Advice Column "Dear Baby" the advice column for babies, by babies, and Jarrett wants...eggs....again.
Other big ideas featured in this episode: Porta-hot, Egg-Rite, The Umbrella of a Thousand Fists, The Cook Book of Folksy Food Preparation, Associative Bandage, Gustatory Prophesier, Part Act, Non-synoptical Prick Teaser, Pancake Crate, Screw Tongue.

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
WTBI Episode 81: Red Sky at Night
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
So let's make something clear right up front. This episode issssss of questionable...audiological...quality. But it's comedy quality is....what it normally is!
Kelsey proposes Scrubscription - a new pay to remove internet service. John comes up with an idea for Mold Shelf - the impressionable shelf to keep your baby (and cat) safe. Mark passes along and idea from Liz - Weep Over - the sad sleep over kit. The entire gang gets enthralled in a vicious fight over the reality of how we consume icecream.
Also in this episode: FiddleStix, Sorry Thanks, With Bells On (It's not lethal *wink*), Johnny on the Spot, Locket Boyz, Yak Kitty.

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
WTBI Episode 80: It Is What It Is
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Hello their faithful listeners! In this weeks episode Jarrett and Mark take reminisce about Welcome Back, Kotter, John and Kelsey's respective fan clubs, and how maybe - just maybe - if Mark and Jarrett do a bad enough job on the podcast, Kelsey and John will be forced to return. Mark proposes Parent Trap - a way for young people to be even more reliant on their parents. Jarrett reinvigorates the rotisserie chicken Market with the ChicChicken, a multi-layered chicken innovation. The Dynamic Duo (that's what they're calling themselves now) also workshop an idea for the newest and best of baby naming books.
Also in this episode: Smoking at the Strip Mall, Earthquake Hook, Children Crate, Pepper Papa

Thursday Sep 09, 2021
WTBI Episode 79: Get That Pump
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
The gang is back! Kelsey and John return to bring you top quality ideas. No more of this only Mark and Jarrett nonsense. That was utter chaos. In this episode, John pitches Sharkade - a fun new style of gaming involving your favorite fish, the group collectively shows its age and then laments it, and Kelsey borrows inspiration from a friend and proposes Rehydratable markers.
Also in this episode: Blood Ball, Tooth Whip, The Bane Bottle, Concerned citizen and Jarretts not-heart attack, and the worlds longest plank.

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
WTBI Episode 78: Crock Pocket
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
You asked and we answered. Mark and Jarrett bring you another episode that you never asked for! Jarrett proposes a new....format for the episode. Mark shares his thoughts on pockets with Thought Pocket. Jarrett solves the flossing problem with Watch Me Floss. The the no good rowdy boys really start circling the drain with some new toilet legislation and shave sink.
Also in this episode: Kratos moving Service, Wi-Fee Wi-Fi Wi-Fo Wi - Fum, Switch VR - Fiddle While Rome Burns.
We PROMISE Kelsey and John will be back soon.

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
WTBI Episode 77:Mouth Stuff
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Its another episode with Jarrett and Mark - the chaotic rowdy boys are back at it again. This week Mark and Jarrett spend far too long talking about dental problems. Mark pitches a challening idea for an new early detection system for moles called Molars. Jarrett describes an idea coming direct from John and Kelsey called Babyrade - Let it Rip! Jarrett also explains a new idea to enhance cameras forever with Thicc Lidz - The camera adds ten pounds...in All the right places.
Also in this episode: One-off Biodegradable Shorts for BigBoyz with Husky Haunches, Yolk Play, Polish Zipper, Boundless Teeth, Telephone Trousers, The Ultimate Katana - Through thick and thin, Ghost Therapy - Give Up the Ghost.

Wednesday May 26, 2021
WTBI Episode 76: Pastryon
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
This week Mark and Jarrett set out to record a whole episode on their own. To those listeners who are gravely concerned about what that means for the tone and content of this episode -- you are correct.
Mark invents the last skipping rock you'll ever need (#Boomerock), Jarrett announces his new ascendence to uncledom, and Mark and Jarrett design a project that will help you to achieve your true party form.
Also pitched in this episode: Warm Rule, Canon Cloth, Vanish into Thin Air, Embalm: Keep a stiff upper lip.

Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
WTBI Episode 75: Trot Boyz
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
I honestly haven't even listened to this episode yet so I have no idea what these "doctors" talks about this week. They told me that they would pay me to write up these episode descriptions and post the episodes but I haven't seen a dime yet. Frankly, the job's just not worth it. I have kids to feed.
Here are some keywords I overheard from inside the closet that they keep me in. Wallet chain, Lit Coin? Some kind of insane milk pump. Reinventing closed captioning.
Please send help.

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Best Of WTBI Vol. 2
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Hello, dear listeners!
We here at WTBI have been a little busy lately, so we thought it would be a great idea to bring you some choice bits from the lifetime ago that was 2018! This is the second 'Best Of' episode, so you should definitely share this with anyone who you want to get on the WTBI train!
In this episode: An Intro (After Dark), Nope - That's Trash!, How's Them Buboes?, Ubiquitous Finger, STD&Me, Chick-Fil-B, Neighbourly Juice, Insta-Food-Service Experience Pill, Teen Sweat, A Drop In The Ocean, A Bespoke Horror Film, and Gus's Gusty Chicken.