
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
WTBI Episode 74: DeepSnape
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Hellloooo, young masters. Welcome to another episode of WTBI... This week is a verrrry speciaaalll episode, complete with awful irish accents, horrifying ideas, and a brand new segment that Kelsey keeps bombing out of the park.
In this episode: Jarrett blasts some Ads, Kelsey gives a robot anxiety, Mark invents a new tasty treat, and John puts a terrifying spin on a classic movie franchise.
Also in this episode: Tonguelings, Bangers and Mash, To The Nanner Born, Appliance Flock, Protest Rhythm, and 'Hugwealth' by Jimbo Cameroné

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
WTBI Episode 73: OnlyGramps
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Hello, again, dear listener! We've got a fresh and ready, hot and pipin' episode for you! Don't mind the Roomba, they're just uhhhhhhhh really sad. They're fine though. Probably. Also, on a serious note: sorry for the microphone bumping sounds during the first 10 minutes!
In this episode: Mark tests eggs the wrong way, Kelsey audits on behalf of the rainforest, John spices up The Great British Bake Off, and Jarrett precipitates the first human speciation event since we split from Neanderthals.
Also in this episode: 'Draculasaurus: The Land Before Twilight', Deliverables, Sad Roomba, Skittle Babies, Cure Cheese, and Bright Teeth

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
WTBI Episode 72: Slip The Reaper A Brassy
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Hello, you beautiful listeners! We're happy to present to you this gift of a podcast, which happens to be very special: The Band Is Back Together.
That's right! We've got the full, original cast (plus scale model human) back for an absolute banger of an episode. Poop stuff? Check. Morbid shit? Check. Jennifer? Check, check, and Czech.
In this week's episode: Jarrett organizes a writing seminar that is completely trustworthy, Kelsey solves a burden of the flesh, John saves some money with this one, weird trick, and Mark vogues from 30,000 feet.
Also in this episode: Missy Elliot's Day Trading, Baby Whiskey, Jenny from the Bloc, Toilet Oil, Blood Moose, and Rain Hearing.

Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
WTBI Episode 71: "Circumstances"
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Hello! Welcome to a very special episode of the WTBI podcast. Kelsey and John are currently "on Baby Duty", so we've invited friend of the podcast, Risa, to fill in.
And, let me tell you: she delivered.
In this episode: Mark explains the difference between a lava lamp and a bong, Jarrett makes a work of art (that he must never show Father), and Risa lets the sun go down on her wrath.
Also in this episode: Soup Spoon, Starry Night, Bear Eyes, Forecast Dolls, and Scribble Ghost.

Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
WTBI Episode 70: Go Suck An Egg
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Welcome listeners! Settle in for a classic episode that covers, well, quite a lot, actually.
In this episode: John usurps Ikea's furniture dominance, Mark solves pregnancy heartburn, Jarrett staves off sleep, and Kesley absolutely revolutionizes the transportation industry.
Also in this episode: Cheese talk, "How to Not Be a Sucka MC" cassette tape course, Harry Potter and The Great British Bake Off, Switched at Birth, Ghostgate, Grateful Fruit, Till Death* Do Us Part, and Don't Try To Teach Your Grandma To Suck Eggs

Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
WTBI Episode 69: Sploosh & Goosh
Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
This, dear listeners, is a special one, and I really don't think that I need to explain to you why...
So why don't you get comfortable, lay back, and let us take you to funny town. And, you know, we wouldn't mind some reciprocation, if you'd be into that.
In this episode: Mark starts a pie related idea train, Kelsey throws a wet blanket into the mix, John employs some tangentially absurd marketing strategies, and Jarrett gets the goosh.
***HEADPHONE WARNING around 58 minutes!***

Thursday Dec 24, 2020
WTBI Episode 68: Nana, Please Put Down Junior While You Are Twerking
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Happy Holidays, dear listeners!
Sorry for being incommunicado for so long.... 2020, am I right?
Here is our very special Christmas Episode of 2020! It's literally as much of a shitshow as you think it would be.
In this episode, Mark makes the podcast unlistenable, Kelsey makes a brand new game (for nerds), Jarrett forecasts 6 Fridays next week, and John invents a legally distinct entity that definitely isn't Yu-Gi-Oh IRL.
Also: Congrats to John & Kelsey for having their baaabbyyyy!!!!!!!!!!
Also in this episode: Christmas Monster Mash, Adult Binky, A Scrooge McDuck Gritty Reboot, Blood Out of a Stone, My Kingdom for a Horse, Butter Suit, Dear Drawer, and Sweet Potato Quilt

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
WTBI Episode 67: Hold The Pickles
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Hello dear listeners! This episode has everything: embarassing stories, horrifying ideas, and some actual funny bits.
In this episode: Kelsey exorcises some objects, Mark creates some "custom" macaroni, John constructs the bowling gauntlet, and Jarrett reveals his dark Sudoku secret.
Also in this episode: EverSheet; Gobble Up Your Stink!, Scented Firewood, Waist Flesh, Dance Pear, Sneeze Coffer, Let There Be Light, Dead In The Water, Pony Up, Knock Into A Cocked Hat

Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
WTBI Episode 66: The Great Napkin Grift of 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Welcome back, dear listeners!
To make up for last episode being a week late, we got a quality episode for you this week; some reeeeaaaaaal good stuff in here.
No, seriously: it is a *banger*.
In this episode: Mark gets greasy, Jarrett takes the rains, Kelsey pushes shoe technology in a new direction, and John takes swings at more than one multinational corporation.
Also in this episode: Terrifying Pregnancy Facts, ExCalipers, Carb-O-Nation, Company Cannon, Rhyme/Rind Powder, Satisfy Frog: Ribb't For Your Pleasure, Partner Beef, and Terrify Kettle.

Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
WTBI Episode 65: The New Bazinga
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Welcome to an extremely late episode of WTBI! Sorry about that, but I had to go to the hospital every time I tried to edit the outro. So... there's that... to look forward to.
In this episode: John dresses up some 5G towers, Mark makes the goodest app, Jarrett wears the pants in this house, and Kesley drifts the fucking PLANET.
Also in this episode: The Laugh Phylactery, Love Dinosaurs, The Bee's Knees, and A LITERAL 15 MINUTE OUTRO THAT I PHYSICALLY COULD NOT CUT DOWN.