
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
WTBI Episode 64: Hot Blooded
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Welcome to this, is our most scatological episode yet! Which, uhhh, is saying something, I suppose.
In this episode: Mark makes an uncomfortable confession, Jarrett leaves his family stranded, John hides in the dairy fridge, and Kesley eats her friends.
Also in this episode: Dump Step, Void Seat, Shhhhhhhit, Silver Suppose, Bright Egg, and Brothers Control.

Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
WTBI Episode 63: The Bard's Nastiest Work
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Hey all!
Welcome to episode 63, where we've lost track of time and also our footing in the fabric of reality.
In this episode: Mark creates a vegetable monstrosity, John fires one off, Kelsey moots herself, and Jarrett does some improv work.
Also in this episode: The Robert Pattinson Corner Hour, Hard Candy Pranks, Market Place, Smoke Look, and Potato Hole.

Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
WTBI Episode 62: The Cinnabon® Chicken Churro Catastrophe
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Hey, y'all! Come sidle up to the counter so we can serve you some hot, sweet, sticky podcast.
You'll love it!
(This episode is buck-wild)
In this episode: Mark invents the least appealing fruit snack, Jarrett creates a more quantifiable diaper situation, John fixes toxic masculinity, and Kelsey burns our shame.
Also in this episode: Object Permamints, Chin-Ups, Overflow Rake, Ocean Drawer, Fly By The Seat Of Your Pants, The Ides Of March, and Purple Patch

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
WTBI Episode 61: Papa Goochi And His Child Army
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Welcome, listeners, to our second Guest Episode: we are joined this week by our longtime friend and listener, Risa, and we solve all her problems.
Well, kind of.
This episode is kind of like absentmindedly throwing a can of spray paint into a fire.
Shit. Pops. Off.
In this episode: Mark scares off some birds, Kelsey won't pay $30 to watch a movie, John finds his favorite corn variant,
Jarrett has a stamp plan, and Risa flips a table.
Also in this episode: Celebrity Whack-a-mole, Demonstrate Sort, and Hot'N'Wet Bike Cleaning Service.

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
WTBI Episode 60: Mr. Wonka Needs To Make A Brood
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Why hello, I didn't see you there.
Listen y'all: we got 2020'd. Hard. We'll get into it, but we're back and ready to bombard your ears with bad ideas and worse impressions.
Well, good impressions. But good impressions saying horrible, horrible things.
Sorry in advance!
In this week's episode: Mark gets beaten to death by Jim Henson, Jarrett slips into something more comfortable, Kelsey creates a generation of nuisance kid detectives, and John dreams up A Quaidet Place.
Also in this episode: Boxer Briefs, Best By, Endurable Crayon, Sun Toothbrush, Savory Underwear, Cobweb Boys, Nitty Gritty, and Uneasy Lies The Head That Wears The Crown

Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
WTBI Episode 59: Back To The Hog - Six More Weeks Of Future
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Well, listeners... it took 8 episodes, but quarantine has apparently reproduced the
crucible-like conditions of graduate school that formed this podcast so many years ago:
bottled creativity, anxiety, and a concerning amount of existential horror.
In this episode: John bags a baby, Kelsey expands her
bubble, Mark takes the silver medal, and
Jarrett never gets off that bus.
Also in this episode: Comfort "Food", Fidgét Spinner, Mannequin Skywalker, America Has Talent,
Doctor In A Day, Time To Pay The Piper, Sponge Toad, Bear Smoke, Toe Partner, and Jelly Front.

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
WTBI Episode 58: Mark, You're Going To Have To Cut What I'm About To Say, But...
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Welcome dear listener, to Quarantine Episode #7, where we start to see marked deterioration of the hosts psyches.
Not sure what that could possibly entail, given the nature of this podcast? Listen and find out!
In this episode: Mark pitches some tents, Kelsey turns up the volume, Jarrett fries up some pancakes, and John does a 1080 into Heaven.
Also in this episode: Historic Arctic Blast, Zero Tolerance Highways, Whip Bait, Go Out On A Limb, and Using A Sledghammer To Crack A Nut.

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
WTBI Episode 57: Milk Pocket
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Hello listeners!
Welcome to yet another episode from quarantine! We're slinging hot ideas around over here, so watch your hea- ooooooohhhhh no. That hurt. Ooh that hurt big time. The tip juuuuuuuuuuussssst got me Odell.
Oooooooooh my.
In this episode: Mark has a fundamental misunderstanding, Kelsey gets a point in the win column, Jarrett keeps having to make the hard choice, and John does some social engineering.
Also in this episode: Manbush, Hot Body Boxes, Sasqswatch, Rail Up, Cut To The Chase, Handbags at 10 Paces, Store Hook, and No, Duck!

Friday May 29, 2020
Episode 56: Fine Words Butter No Parsnips
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Greetings, listeners!
Our apologies for the delay on this episode: it needed a little more time in the oven.
One of us definitely didn't completely forget about it.
Anyway: grab a seat and tune in to a *chef's kiss* classic WTBI episode,
with all the batshit-crazy ideas and sidesplitting goofs we could fit into an hour long podcast!
In this episode: Jarrett looks to the future, John receives some bad news, Mark wishes on a monkey's paw, and Kelsey gets called out.
Also in this episode: Night Kicks, Pandemic Cakes (Cooking with Coronavirus), Moldable Ear Buds, Mac of Cheese, The Ohm, Knife Cushion, Cloistered Range, Tree Goats, Parse Snips, and Teen Pipe.

Wednesday May 13, 2020
WTBI Episode 55: The Stranger
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Sometimes... sometimes recording these episodes is easy, and sometimes there's a lot of spinning wheels and wasted effort.
Let us know in the comments what category you think this episode falls in! Call To Action! Brand Engagement!
In this episode: Mark solves the oil shortage, but not global warming, Jarrett finds a way to satisfy his bread lust, John ruins his appetite for pizza, forever, and Kesley monopolizes fruit-based energy sources.
Also in this episode: Teeth Jail, Comb Orange, Speak Bit, and Laid in Lavender.