
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
WTBI Episode 54: A Garfield Shaped Secret
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Welp. We've lost it. Isolation has eroded our sanity, and this episode is our grim testament to its memory. Come, take a listen, and feel much more sane, by comparison!
In this episode, Mark brings online dating to the real world, Kelsey creates a ghoulish situational comedy, John suggests a bean-based cereal, and Jarrett lubes a cube.
Also in this episode: Space Thermostat (ft. Bixbo), Baby Shower Workshop, Zoom Bird, Thick Lids, Fence Kitten, and Pour Chicken.

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
WTBI Episode 53: Chonk - The Absolute Unit
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
This weeks episode will be the most fun you've had since the first time you booted up your Nintendo Sega. John lets us know that its not too late to become an Adult Prodigy, Kelsey (who is very online) revolutionizes the demolition and entertainment industries, we reconsider the beautiful combination of sport and theater, and we talk antioxidants with Extra Large Breath.
Also featured: Air Gun Tag, Where There's Muck There's Brass, Easy Zoo, Dry Partner, Shame Map, Surprise Trousers, and Mighty Wilderness.

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
WTBI Episode 52: Tense Street
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Hey, all you quarantined folks! Life got you down? Stressed
out about *motions vaguely* everything? US TOO. Come, sit
down, and have a laugh with us!
This week, Jarrett gets an idea alley-oop from his Dad, Mark
creates a surly hair golem, Kelsey creates a new drink that
may or may not be consumed by kids, and John goes full
nightmare by asking: what if man had whale teeth?
Also in this episode: Covid Corvids, Bread-Bag Tie
Methodologies, Eversled, Chop Pot, Volcano Cup, and Man

Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Welcome to the most inspirational kids sports movie of 2020. Just kidding! Absolutely do not let your children listen to this. Under any circumstances!
In this episode, Mark stops would-be pie thieves, Kelsey invents the cheapest/laziest method of moving your stuff, Jarrett creates the absolute WORST summer camp, and John changes the toilet-phone paradigm forever.
Also in this episode: Pork-cano, Married Show, Paint Jelly, Book Throat, Time Flies, and Lincoln Lock Lawyer - Lock Lawyer at Large.

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
WTBI Episode 50: O! They Have Slain The Earl Of Moray! And Lady Mondegreen!
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Hey folks! Welcome to our 50th(!) episode!!!!
This one is an absolute delight, with all the fixin's: non-sequiturs, nigh completely inaccessible science talk, and an increasingly spicy Kelsey.
In this episode: Mark owns a boat, John is all mouth and no trousers, Kelsey imagines a forest theme park full of beefcakes, and Jarrett floats like a butterfly, and breaks like a Fabergé Egg.
Also in this episode: Glowball, Solar Pants, Spelling by Deduction, and Bath Sous Vide

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
WTBI Episode 49: Guest Episode 1: Pint's Peak Ice Cream
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Welcome to a very special episode of WTBI: our first ever Guest Episode!!!

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
WTBI Episode 48: A Different Kettle of Fish
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
"An instant classic"
"A triumphant return to form"
"Better than your average podcast. Like, a firm 7.5? Maybe an 8. (inaudible) Yea, I'd recommend it, I guess"
With made-up quotes like that, how could you not listen?
In this episode: Jarrett solves the obesity problem, Mark makes another upsetting robot, John creates a much needed new holiday, and Kelsey comes up with the most buck-wild piece of clothing.
Also in this episode: Taxanomicon, Bubble Shower, Connection Soda, and Eyes Vest.

Thursday Jan 23, 2020
WTBI Episode 47: Boof Fabrimation®
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
This episode was a weird one, y'all. Kind of a lot of ephemeral, existential dread, but it turned out fine.
Kelsey dreams up a familiar yet LEGALLY DISTINCT animation company, John invents a horrifyingly convenient household appliance, Jarrett creates a discount airline that pretty much markets itself, and Mark finds out that he's one kid handshake away from certain death.
Also in this Episode: Joyce Broadcast Realizations, Jail Wing, Effect Slip, March Sadness, and Corts, by Thonk.

Thursday Jan 09, 2020
WTBI Episode 46: Crimping the Turnt
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Hello again!
This episode is late because, hoo boy, was it a doozy. This week: Kelsey concocts the perfect spy, Jarrett goes on an dating app frenzy, John creates the next great Olympic sport, and Mark calls out a multinational telecommunications company.
Also in this episode: Groundhogging, New slang, Dangerous as a Doorknob, Merry Making Pan, Bright Midnight, and our New Year's Podcast Resolutions.

Friday Dec 27, 2019
WTBI Episode 45: A "Very Special" Christmas
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Ho Ho Ho! Happy Holidays, dear Listeners!
This is your terrible gift. We hope you like it! Jarrett invents a new style of protective headwear, Mark invents a contagious form of holiday cheer, Kelsey revolutionizes gravy boats, and John workshops the next hippopotamus-themed holiday film. Also in this episode: Grandfather Dolls, Sleepy Bucket Plum Pudding, and Cognac the perpetually drunk Barbarian.
Also: John and Kelsey were being slowly surrounded by leaf blowers during the recording of this episode, so our apologies if the audio seems a little... well. You'll see.
See you in 2020, friends, and thank you for being here with us.