
Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
WTBI 15: Two Dusters
Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
"This tunnel is just so dark! I wish there were some way to see better."
"I'm so tired of the boring, normal, horizontal clouds. There isn't even any gold in them."
"This duster is too damn dusty!"
"Oh god. There's been a real toilet disaster here. What do I do?!"
You'll find the solutions to all of these troublesome situations and more on this week's episode of WTBI!
Also featured: Mark's new laugh, eShorts (kind of?), Britches Get Stictches, and the Sounds of Music (Feat. the ICP).
Why would you ever need to listen to any other podcast?

Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
WTBI 14: Food Shadow
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Well we've come full circle. This week's episode of WTBI starts opff with another in depth conversation about the Doug theme song. The crew has an in-depth conversation on magnets and their many uses and follow it with some new hot zesty products and services: the Uh-Oh Truck, Egg Nog Kite, Dad Seashore, and Spark Yak. Then Mark closes it all out with some a...challenging...outro song.

Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
WTBI 13: GeoCash
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
It's about to get real Tomb Raider/Uncharted up in this piece. This week on WTBI the gang electrifies all of our jellies by coming up with a hot new app to find lost items and redesigns marraige anniversaries. We also solve the leather shortage as well as the police problem, the obesity epidemic, and the problem where people have too much dead skin and need a suit that will eat all the dead skin but definitely for sure wont eat any of the live skin.
Are you ready?

Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
WTBI 12: Emphasis on the "D"
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
Unfortunately Kelsey couldn't come to the phone for this episode. She was busy "developing her career". But that doesn't mean that WTBI can't still bring you quality products and services. This week WTBI introduces the Cambridge Stroke, Dance Partner, Crow Cop, Battle Fly, and the new awful and disturbng character Pilshish into the WTBI canon. Enjoy.

Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
WTBI 11: Every Expression of Happiness is a Simulacrum that is Transient in Nature
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
With a title like this, what more is there to say? In this week's cheerful episode, the gang discusses cellphone airbags, a device to help you stay awake in meetings, Anti Jesus, and the WTBI teaching philosophy. Also Mark edges John with his Butter Hole (TM). You've been warned.

Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
WTBI 10: Gus's Gusty Chicken
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
We've done it. We made it to episode 10. And you've been with us every step of the way, listener! As a reward we've filled this episode with tales of John's mysterious past at the Waldorf school, revisited Proxima B, re-invented psychological thrillers, and introduced the greatest fast food restaurant ever conceived.

Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
WTBI 9: Not Tonight Josephine
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
This week's epsiode of WTBI gets off to a weird start and just keeps getting better.Join us on the Struggle Bus as as we explore BetFlix, Flavor Blasterz, Swex (For Teens), a new segment idea, and more! You're bound to be full to the gunwales? with excitement for these hot fresh ideas!

Wednesday May 30, 2018
WTBI 8: Neighborly Juice
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Looking for an airline where you can get wet and wild without having to worry about impressionable children? WTBI's got you. In this episode, John introduces the kid free airline, Mark creates the greatest and likely most prohibitively expensive music festival off this planet, Jarrett pitches the next big thing in emergency communication, and Kelsey provides some wholesome, family friendly content.
Also in this episode: STD and Me, 45 in 1 Hygene solution, Perrick, Beans and Bubos, Perrick, Chick-fil-B, and Nimble Cord!

Wednesday May 16, 2018
WTBI 7: Ubiquitous Finger
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Follow us on this weeks journey as we solve your hoarding problems with Nope That's Trash, travel to Proxima B, control the weather with Tornado Tops, provide you with new innovative cork solutions, and figure out how to create a superior syran wrap. Here's a hint: It requires a bunch of caterpillars, a lot of spiders, and a disturbing amount of bees.

Wednesday May 02, 2018
WTBI 6: Mr. Freeze Situation
Wednesday May 02, 2018
Wednesday May 02, 2018
In this epsiode of WTBI, we learn not to record late on friday nights at the end of very busy work weeks! But we all throttle our yolks, pull up, and flip this bird just for you.
This week WTBI Inc. brings you the sequel to Milk (TM), Bass Jump (TM), Sanity Snap (TM), Crunk Point (TM), Club Faraday (TM), John and Kelsey are weirdly conditioned by Mark's dog, and we all quit to start our new podcast - Explain Cars.